COMING SOON: Prenatal Yoga Sequence

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Pregnancy is an invitation to slow down and go within.

An invitation to live life in an unhurried way. Pregnancy is teaching us to connect with our bodies and our minds to cultivate trust and intuition.

Practicing yoga is a great tool to connect with your body and your baby. It is a great way to prepare yourself physically, mentally and emotionally for being pregnant, for childbirth and parenthood.

As every woman is different and every pregnancy is different. I find useful to have different resources to dive into, so you can really listen to YOUR body and find a practice that best suits you. Having someone you trust supporting you and offering you some feedback might be a great idea.

Always have in mind every woman has a different background and the present moment is unique.  

For me, the Ashtanga Yoga sequence - although completely modified as for supporting my pregnancy - has given me the space and time to connect with myself and baby in both pregnancies. It has shown me how to really work with breath to balance the nervous system. Has given me strength and confidence in myself. 

Practice is dynamic. As my body changes throughout the pregnancy, so does the practice. I keep adjusting as I listen. Sometimes I have the opportunity to practice for long hours, while other days, it is only few minutes. Still, the practice is there. There are many ways to show up on your mat and on your life. Nature is a nurturing allay as well.

I will share with you few of my practices and if you feel pulled into it, I will invite you to follow along so we can practice together. 

I’ve been so lucky to have the guidance of amazing woman through both of my pregnancies. Sharmila Desai and Fiona Stang have specially influenced my way of understanding the practice and this yoga journey. I am so fortunate to have been able to share closely with two amazing Ashtanga yoga practitioners that have gone through this right of passage. I am always grateful to them.

If you have any questions, please reach out. It is always a joy to hear from all my sisters.