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Are you passionate about yoga and eager to deepen your teaching skills?

Apprenticeship Program

2016 - Drop back into Urdhva Dhanurasana assist at Ashtanga Yoga Vancouver.

2020 - Morjim Goa with Sharmila Desai & pregnant with Newen. Photo by Justyna Jaworska.

Join our apprenticeship program for a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the Ashtanga yoga system.

Enhance your practice and teaching skills through immersive, consensual, and respectful hands-on learning. Unlike conventional Yoga Teacher Training programs, our apprenticeship emphasizes practical experience at your own pace. You will observe and shadow senior teachers, engage directly with students, and collaborate with peers and instructors to enrich both your personal practice and teaching techniques.

Our program emphasizes creating a safe, respectful space that encourages students to cultivate self-awareness through personal practice. We believe that a teacher waits for students to be ready to receive knowledge and that the role of the teacher is to provide grounding, accountability, and a respectful environment for each student to discover their own path.

Core topics include the roots of the traditional Ashtanga system, yamas and niyamas, Tristhana (breath, asana, and drishti), bandhas, mudras, and chanting. The methodology is primarily hands-on, but content delivery is individually tailored to each apprentice's learning approach, discussed in initial meetings to support their progress best.

Requirements and Commitment:

Applicants should have been active members of Ashtanga Yoga Squamish for at least three consecutive months or have an established yoga practice of one year or more. No prior teaching or formal yoga training is required. The apprenticeship commitment ranges from six months to one year, depending on individual goals and learning progress.

If interested, email me to learn more about the program structure, curriculum, tuition, and expected commitment.

Program Structure:

This apprenticeship spans six months to a year, offering a supportive and gradual learning experience. Key components of the program include:

  • Practicing in the studio with a senior teacher at least three times per week.

  • Assisting in a Mysore-style class at least twice a week for hands-on teaching exposure.

  • Monthly one-on-one mentorship meetings with your guiding teacher.

  • Group discussions with other teachers to deepen your understanding of teaching methods and practice insights.

Curriculum Overview:

The apprenticeship methodology involves shadowing, hands-on learning of assists and communication skills, and open discussion. Each apprentice will be able to delve into their specific areas of interest and conduct personal research that can be discussed in our meetings.

A reading list will be provided, drawing from traditional yoga texts and modern Ashtanga authors.

This is not a teacher training but an apprenticeship, designed not to certify teachers in Ashtanga but to equip you with tools for personal growth and, if applicable, teaching readiness.
